
CX_CURRENCY_RATE - Currency parity


Class hierarchy

A currency parity describes the relationship, i.e. the conversion rate, between two currencies.

Code example:
List of methods (MDI)
Function MA* Parameters Return Brief description
CalculateDivideRate INTEGER OBJECT Calculating the divisor
CalculateMultiplyRate INTEGER OBJECT Calculating the multiplier
CurrencyConvert OBJECT, OBJECT, INTEGERINTEGER Direct conversion of a source currency into a target currency
CurrencyCrossConvert OBJECT, OBJECT, INTEGERINTEGER Indirect conversion of a source currency into a target currency
PercentDiffOfDivideRate INTEGER VOLATILE_OBJECT Percentage deviation of the (explicit) divisor from the exact divisor
PercentDiffOfMultiplyRate INTEGER VOLATILE_OBJECT Percentage deviation of the (explicit) multiplier from the exact multiplier.
SetDivideRate INTEGER Setting the divisor
SetMultiplyRate INTEGER Setting the multiplier
SanityCheck Check object consistency
ClassFilter STRING, INTEGER OBJECT This object, if it corresponds to a particular class
ConditionedFilter STRING OBJECT
ConditionedFilter2 OBJECT OBJECT
Deleted INTEGER Checks whether the object was logically deleted
Description STRING
GetDomain INTEGERDomain of this object
GetSiblings COLLECTION All siblings of this object
GetSiblings2 COLLECTION All siblings of this object
IsConsistent INTEGER
LastUpdate OBJECT Returns the date with time of the last write access
LastUser INTEGERReturns the user who last accessed the object in write mode.
Link OBJECT Adds itself to the list of objects with validity from the object passed as a parameter.
NextValidObject OBJECT Determines the object whose validity begins after the time at which the validity of this object begins
PreviousValidObject OBJECT Determines the object whose validity ends before the time at which the validity of this object ends.
RestrictedValidity * Checks whether the scope is restricted or not.
SetDomain INTEGER, INTEGER Set domain
ShortName STRING
Siblings *
SpanDateValidity *
string INTEGER CX_STRING Returns the string representation of the object
Unlink Removes itself from the list of objects with validity
Unlink2 Remove this object from the list of objects with validity
Valid OBJECT INTEGERChecks whether the object is valid at the given time.
ValidSince OBJECT Returns the beginning of the validity span in the form of a CX_TERM object.
ValidToday INTEGERChecks whether the object is valid at the current time (validity date).
ValidUntil OBJECT Returns the end of the validity range in the form of a CX_TERM object.
VerifySiblings INTEGERCheck ring of exchange objects

* MA = Member Access Function

Data directory (DDI)
Data field Type Reference class I* Brief description
divideRate CX_NUMERIC explicit divisor
multiplyRate CX_NUMERIC explicit multiplier
uniqueID STRING * The (internal) object number
validity POINTER CX_VALIDITY Period in which the object is valid
conversionRuleEnum ENUMCHAR Conversion direction: 0 = purchase/sale,
1 = purchase, 2 = sale
rateTables REL_MN CX_RATE_TABLE the table to which the monetary parity belongs
currencyRateEnum ENUMCHAR Conversion type: 0 = always,
1 = spot, 2 = forward
amount POINTER CX_AMOUNT The currency parity, where the class CX_AMOUNT comprises the classes CX_VALUE_PER, CX_FORMULA and CX_CONDITION_BAG, i.e. a conversion rate can be described by the pointer to an object of one of these classes. (*)

* I = Indexable data field

(*) The use of an object of the class CX_VALUE, such as "5 DEM/USD" makes only limited sense in this context, since this is the definition of a factor. Such a construct only makes sense when converting units and should be avoided with currencies.

Note: The following relationship exists between the conversion values multiplyRate = 1 / divideRate

Use in AppsWH
Module Brief description
currtabl.mod Currency table basic module
currtedt.mod Currency table Editing module
currtsel.mod Currency table selection module
currexch.mod Currency conversion editing module